The very first synth SCU owned. Purchased when SCU was still a youngster in high school and still in the studio today, although in a much less state.
SCU acquired the MG-1 while purchasing the six trak - for FREE! The MG-1 was the product of Moog wanting to put it's synths into each and every home, and so they partnered with Radio Shack (yes, THAT Radio Shack) and and gace them the rights to mass produce the Moog Rouge: a two and a half octave, true analog, mono synth.
The VFX was purchased while SCU was still doing industrial music, which the VFX is great for. In addition to have the normal wave forms, for sound creatiit also uses sampled waveforms for more complex/realistic sounds such as pianos, reed instruments and horns. The one thing that SCU finds the most limiting is the lack of filters which, basically, makes the VFX unuseable for most of SCU's music nowadays.
The EA-1 is a very simplistic mono synth created for use with the ER-1 and ES-1. Korg created the "E" series to be used as stand alone grooveboxes. Although, SCU has yet to use them in that capacity, SCU still uses the EA-1 in the studio as another analog synth. The best thing about the EA-1 is that it is so simple to use. Nothing overly complicated. Just great sounds!
SCU loves this drum machine. The pure fact the Korg made a drum machine that utilizes a synth engine, instead of drum samples, for it's sounds is the greatest thing. Since being purchased during the Everyone... recordings, the ER-1 has seen use on every SCU song sometimes over utilizing the tweaky, extra tight delay.
The ES-1 is basically an ER-1, but it's a sampling drum machine. So, if you want a cat's meow for your snare, find a cat and record it. The extra nice thing about the ES-1 is its many effects, which can further alter the sounds.
Seen used for next to nothing, SCU just had to pick one up. Used quite often on early SCU discs, the Poly-800 has become more of a memory of what was, than a useful synth in the studio.
For years, SCU has wonted a Nord Lead in the studio. Finally that day has come. With its "cold" sound and it's ability to have a life of it's own, it compliments the smoothness of the JP-8080. It has already found a forward slot in the newest, unnamed CD coming out at the end of 2006.
The Bass Station was (still is) a very fun to synth to program and tweak while in use. Novation created the Bass Station not only to emulate the Roland 303, while not as squelchy it still does a good job, but also to bring back the pure joy of a simple mono analog synth. The Bass Station has been used on several SCU songs and most likely will still be. It's also the driver for the MG-1 synth as it does not have MIDI capabilities, but it uses the old fashioned PITCH and TRIGGER IN and OUTs which, for some bizarre reason, the Bass Station has also, in addition to MIDI.
Simply an excellent synth. The JP-8080 is the cornerstone of the SCU studio. It's so "hands on" that no one can keep their hands off of it. Purchased during the later part of the (Three:3) recordings, the JP-8080 has dominated/(re)defined the SCU sound
Purchased during the UFO years, SCU picked this synth up because of one reason and one reason only, filters. After months and months of struggling with the insane interface, a computer based editor was purchased but even that proved to be almost as difficult to use. Sadly, the D-110 was only used on a few, early SCU songs.
The SH-32 synth was purchased on some what of a whim after seeing an amazing price in an ad. Since then, the SH-32 has seen extensive use in every SCU song. The sound of this synth is excellent, and there is no reason why this synth didn't do better than it did.
This is a great, classic analog synth from the mid 1980s. Very soon after purchasing the six trak, SCU and the synth became close friends and thus the six trak solidified the SCU sound. The foundation for the UFO disc was completely based around the six trak. Needless to say, SCU still loves this synth even with its single knob parameter editing and moody rubber buttons.
The DX-200 was purchased to add the Yamaha sound (FM) to the growing synth collection of SCU's studio. It's a great sounding synth! Like the Roland "E" series, the DX-200 was also created under the groovebox concept. Although SCU finds it a bit too awkward/constricting to use in that way, it still holds a major place in the studio. It's been used on every song and has often been a song catalyst since it's purchase. SCU finds that the best feature the DX-200 has is its ability to demolish any sound almost instantly with just the turn of the Harmonics knob.
SCU's sequencer of choice. Having a bit of an older computer and really not needing all the the larger sequencers offer, the SE version is just fine.
Waldorf Attack is not only an excellent software drum synth, but it's also an excellent synth sound source as well. Attack was used exclusively before the purchase of the Korg ER-1 drum machine, and it's still used on a good deal of SCU songs still.
SCU purchased Reaktor after seeing an unpass-up-able deal in the ads. Reaktor is an amazing piece of software which, basically, allows the user to create (build) an endless supply of software synthesizer models. Although it has a very difficult learning curve, the results are one-of-a-kind if you take the time to learn.
The FM-7 is an excellent DX-7 soft synth from Native Instruments. N.I. faithfully recreated the DX-7, reworked the cumbersome old style interface to much more user friendly, and gave it a few extra features allowing the FM-7 to do more than the original DX-7 could not do.
PRO 53
The PRO 53 is a great software recreation of the classic Sequential Circuits Prophet 5 synth. Since SCU is such a fan of the Six Trak, it only made sense to get it's (much) bigger brother.
D'cota came bundled in with Cubase SE and it is surprisingly useful. This software synth has found it's way into many a SCU song.
If it is free and available for the Macintosh, then SCU has it and has most likely used it in a song. There is such a large number of very useable free software synths being created all the time.