self contained unit replacing your insides
Replacing Your Insides (2007)
It seems that SCU prefers taking more than a year between releases now-a-days. And it seems that the CD are better off becasue of it. Replacing Your Insides not only felt good to create it also sounds great too. As with Plastic and Ceramic, more than half of the songs on Replacing... have the SCU voice in one way or another.
daytime not night
hide the things
so pathetic
small lighted objects
there is a wasp under that glass >> mp3
travel lightly
very tired
your memory has won >> mp3
there is nothing even now

self contained unit plastic and ceramic

Plastic and Ceramic (2005)
Taking a while off between recordings seemed to be the best thing for SCU. After the not-so-great times with the Not This Time sessions, the songs for Plastic and Ceramic were not only enjoyable to create again, SCU felt they were probably the strongest SCU set of songs ever put together on a SCU disc. Continuing to explore new sounds and new instruments proved to be just the thing for letting the songs trapped in SCU get out. A few even have the SCU voice, if you listen close enough.
almost before >> mp3
blue and green
scratching at the door
broken phone call >> mp3
the act of rising
another again
ten times mostly
two more weeks

self contained unit not this time

Not This Time (2003)
While the songs seem to flow easily for the Everyone... disc, this was not the case for the Not This Time recording sessions. Each song was a chore and definitely did not to be birthed without an effot. SCU does not have fond memories of creating the Not This Time disc. That said, the song "the day of" is one of SCU's top five favorite SCU songs. Not This Time also contains a song dedicated to good SCU friend called "march of the monkey."
the day of >> mp3
parks and fields
rapid transit
circle (round)
if I could
march of the monkey
things to do today
time another >> mp3
six twelve p.m.

self contained unit everyone doesn't do anything

Everyone Doesn't Do Anything (2002)
Everyone Doesn't Do Anything was easily the funnest and easiest set of recordings SCU has made. Having shed the desire to purposefully create slower music, SCU found that the songs which were to become the Everone... disc came pouring out. In an odd way, Everyone... is also a concept CD. All the songs are based on the rise and fall of a dot com job and then the rebirth of what is still the best job SCU has ever had. The Everyone... disc even has a reprise of the SCU anthem "robotarm" from the Module CD.
drivingintoworkaroundten >> mp3
underthesink >> mp3

self contained unit three:3

(Three:3) (2000)
(Three:3) marks a change and a continuation for SCU. Building off the Module disc, SCU continued to explore the slower side of things, but SCU also started to bring in new ways of song creation using new synths, drum machines, computer based instruments and even external sources. In a way, (Three:3) is much like a second release for what we all know as SCU. The song "vasik" is still one of SCU's favorite songs SCU has ever written.
utlilty cable
light >> mp3
plastic disk >> mp3
view screen
wooden structure

self contained unit module

Module (1999)
The Module disc come quickly after the UFO sessions ended. SCU realized that something good was happening with the direction that the songs were going, and from that the definitive SCU sound came out in the song "robotarm." SCU also wanted to explore the slower side of electronic music and a few songs allowed that to happen. SCU likes to say that "these are songs to keep and store on your hard drive."
robotarm >> mp3
gadget >> mp3
track 7

self contained unit ufo

UFO (1998)
This was sort of a concept CD about space. Most of the songs were directly influended by a new synth purchase - a Sequential Circuits Six Trak. So, being a CD about space, most of the songs contain high frequencies and noise. A trusted source was quoted as saying it sounds like "raccoons mating under your house."
calf >> mp3
shipthree >> mp3

self contained unit u235

U235 (1997)
This was SCU's first disc with a new direction. While the songs a fairly simplistic they are none the less interesting. This disc was a good foundation for later recordings.
Number One
Number Two
Number Three
Number Six
Number Five
Number Four

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