Archive for September, 2006


Monday, September 25th, 2006

… and that makes seven.

Apparently the rain affects more than the just the planet we live on. It also inspires new songs too. Well, that, and a new synth doesn’t hurt either.

fitting in

Wednesday, September 20th, 2006

Seems as though the new synth is fitting in just fine. It already has a prominent spot in a new tune that I started putting together last night. The song started out as a Swells jam, but I don’t think the other guys got into it nearly as much as I did so I am stealing it and making it a SCU song instead. Maybe I’ll reference The Swells in the title or something.

new arrival

Wednesday, September 6th, 2006

Well, the day has finally come. The synth that I use on The Swells recordings is coming home to live in the SCU set up. David realized that I use it about .. um … 100% of the time and he never actually touches the thing anymore so he sold it to me. Oh, I forgot, it’s a first version Nord Lead. It will go oh so very well next to the JP and all it’s friends. This makes me very happy. I have been wanting this synth since the day he bought it. And now it’s going to be mine. See, I have always been much more of a hardware guy. I have lots of software synths, but I always go to the hardware ones. I guess I need the immediate feeling of the keys and the knobs and buttons and whatnot.

I need to start thinking up a name for the upcoming CD.
And art also.
And get to the roof of the castle in Zelda: Minish Cap.

number six and counting

Saturday, September 2nd, 2006

So, I am hot off the recording chair and there is a new tune to mention. That makes six for the new CD to come out later this year. Ten is the magic number, so I am over the halfway mark which always feels good.
The new mic cable really helped out and brought out some very cool ideas. Vocoding is always a fun thing.