Archive for December, 2006

The end of the year

Saturday, December 30th, 2006

As you may (or may not) know, I am also the keyboardist for The Swells. Last night, Friday December 29th, was our annual Christmas party. It’s always great fun and everyone always has a grand time. Except I always end up feeling like I want to die the next day. You’d think that after so many years of drinking experience, that I would know better. It’s really fun when you’re in the middle of it, but it always sucks ass the next morning.
The Swells have really taken up alot of my music time and energy lately, so my plan of putting out a new SCU disc has been pushed back to later rather than sooner. I still have a good, solid six songs, but I’d much rather have 10 or more. As in a full length rather than an E.P.. What I need to do, is get off my butt and do all of this for real.
Of course now that I just got through making excuses as to why I am no closer to anymore SCU songs, I have, however, recorded two Swells cover songs and plan to do an entire CD length of more songs. It’s not the SCU sound, as in there are guitars and singing, but you can tell that it’s still me. I’ll post a song or two and let people hear what I am coming up with. I enjoy it, and I know you will too.
Also, I bought a video camera and I have a strong interest in doing music videos so expect to see some on the site soon.
