Archive for October, 2006

Math song

Saturday, October 14th, 2006

Part of the weirdness that is my job is that, occasionally, I get to do a song for one of our media pieces. This time, the song is all about measuring volume. We’re doing a math course this go ’round. Now, the song type was going to be slow trip-hop, but after I laid it all out it was well over the two minute mark - try 3:30. So, I had to up the BPM from 70 to close to 90. Which threw the trip out of my hop and put me much more into the R&B range. Which I guess is not really a bad thing because we are making music for middle schoolers and they do listen to the radio and this style is getting radio play. Still, it’s always a bit of a drag when your idea gets tossed because of strange writting.
Oh well. It still sounds cool and it’ll all be ok in the end.

If you wanna hear the final version - 087.

new red bag!

Saturday, October 7th, 2006

Since I bought the Nord, I have been worried that I was going to break it during transport. So, I was looking to buy a case for it. I looked at our local music store and found one that was a bit too expensive, but it had a lot of extra pouches and was well built too. But it was just about an inch too small. I had to stretch the bag and squeeze the synth in to make it fit, which I wasn’t really fond of.
I ended up finding a Nord specific bag made by Clavia so I knew it would fit well. Plus it had shoulder straps so I could wear it like a backpack. It arrived today and it was all it was supposed to be! I am really happy with it!
Thumbs up!

Strikes again…

Tuesday, October 3rd, 2006

The addition of the new Nord makes it mark and basically writes a song itself. Well… I helped a little.
Also, I started on the artwork for the CD.